Dreams only she can understand

445 words.

####Nothing more was said about the misunderstanding that had occurred when he had asked about her journey here with her son. For that, Vigilante was glad, as he had not meant to offend her in any way. The change of subject was pleasant, not made in an abrupt way any longer. Talking about horses was not something he could claim to have much knowledge about, but he was learning, and he liked having the ability to pass on what little knowledge he had to others who were interested. He nodded his gratitude at the compliment, though he wished very much that he knew what the name meant. It had simply been the name that was written on one of the horse stalls in the stables when he had been trying to learn to read.

####Chuckling, he nodded at the way she seemed very alarmed about the idea of riding the horses. It had scared him, too, at first, and he was still not completely comfortable with the idea. Maybe he would eventually be able to ride Nádherné, but he could not say it would happen any time soon, if it ever did. "The idea seems very bizarre to me, as well," he admitted, "but many others ride them. Heath and Haven are two of the pack members who ride their horses, and we actually hosted a horse race recently with another pack, AniWaya. I only watched, though, as I did not even have a horse then. It was very interesting to watch." Even if he had owned a horse at that point in time, he would not have participated in the race, uncomfortable with the idea of doing anything in front of a large crowd. Still, it had been a very interesting thing to watch, even if he had not been an actual participant. It had been exciting to feel the adrenaline practically flowing from the horses and riders, and doing something with another pack in the area had been a great way to form a tie with them.

####The fact that she seemed a bit more receptive to the idea was good, and he nodded happily, stepping to the side a bit so that he was next to the horse's shoulder instead of in front of him. The stallion responded to this by lowering his head to the ground, obviously growing bored with the exchange between the two-legged creatures, instead deciding that the grass was a bit more interesting. "Certainly," he said with a smile, indicating the horse's head and neck with his hand. "He does not mind at all," he added, just in case she might still be nervous about the idea.


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