Rainy day women #12&35
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SoSuWriMo 1,016

It relieved her greatly to hear him say what he did. It had seemed to her at the time an action simply asking for trouble. It was bad enough to keep anyone against their will, but it was an especially heinous act when said person was the subleader of one of the packs. Crimson Dreams had never had any qualms with Inferni and so for one of their members to do that had been beyond her level of patience. It was rather amazing that the whole thing hadn’t blown up into some huge conflict. When had it all happened? It took some recollection on her part to pinpoint exactly when it had been. “Well…I saw him at the beginning of December, and he had been missing for about a month.” Why she hadn’t gone looking for him before then was a mystery to her. Though admittedly she didn’t know if searching would have done any good, considering he had been held deep in the clan’s territory. No one else might have known what was happening, and if they did they could’ve have been just as mad as Hybrid.

His whine and nudge brought a small smile to her face and in reciprocated affection she leaned over to give his cheek a quick lick. “It was.” It had been a trying time for her considering it had forced her demons out into the open and she had caused her loved ones a large amount of worry. The good from it though is that she had met Lubomir and he had given her the tools to help control that force inside of her. Still, if she could’ve gone back and made her think more rationally in those key moments she probably would have. It would have saved her a lot of headaches and some scars. Her charcoal fur had eventually grown over the disfigured flesh but she knew they were there and it was a constant reminder of what could have happened. She was glad that Anselm knew now though. She had worried about the subject coming up before and how he would react to it, but now it was out and their relationship was better and not worse for it. She wasn’t a secretive wolf for the most part and was glad that there was one less skeleton in her closet.

As unsettling as the revelation about Haku Soul was, Savina didn’t see any way to fix the problem. No one such as that should have a position of power, but what could they do? The only option she saw was to have all the other packs band together and go after him, but that was unlikely at best. Such an endeavor would be nearly impossible to organize, much less keep together. She supposed all they could really do was to do their best to keep their respective homes and members safe from his claws and hope that soon he would be taken off his throne. Though if Cercelee had given it to him in the first place it was hard to say if she would ever force him to give it up. It all made her wary and she would be looking at the pack to her north with a different gaze from now until the brown male was no longer a factor.

She felt a little embarrassed at her unintended reaction and could feel her cheeks blush beneath their midnight cover. At Anselm’s curious look she shook her head. “Sorry, never seen one of those before, it just surprised me.” Suddenly she felt very much the country girl that she was at heart. To a traditional wolf mind fire was a threat as great as any and was to be avoided at all costs. How frivolously it was thrown around here still surprised her and she treated the force of nature with a cool caution. Seeing it sprout magically from the small contraption had made her instincts flare up, but that had passed as quickly as the flame that had been conjured had. She knew there was nothing to worry about. Not here and not with him. Savina trusted the de le Poer more than anyone else outside of her pack and probably even more than some of the wolves within her home.

As the lighter was handed to her she looked at it curiously, sniffing the surface. What an odd little thing. She wondered where the fire came from and how it was made. She understood how it was sparked with wood and rocks, but this was something completely different. It took a few tries before she actually got the small flame to jump back to life and while more used to it than the first time it still surprised her a bit and she let go of the thing she was supposed to hold down on. When she got it to work again though she moved her attention to the thing she was supposed to smoke out of. It was a lot to take in, but she thought she got the majority of it. “Okay, here goes.” She plugged the hole and held the flame to where the herb was and carefully breathed in through the allotted place. When she got a good amount of it she felt breathed in she tried to grab some fresh air and then held her breath.

The woman wasn’t able to hold it for long as she felt the burn and coughed out what she had just taken in. Who had thought this up anyway? With one hand on her chest the other waved the smoke away from her face as she coughed it out. After the fit finally passed she breathed in deeply and fell back against the couch. At first she didn’t notice anything, but then she could feel a slight haziness wrap around her and her shoulders relaxed. “That’s a bit more difficult than I imagined,” she said with a small laugh. “How long does it take to feel it?” She was feeling something, but she wasn’t sure if that was all there was.


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