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OOC: Thank you for starting! -loves on Russians-

Cassius leaned somberly against his windowsill, which was ice cold and covered partly with snow. Cassius never saw snow back in the swamps, it only got crazy hot there. He liked the snow here though, even if it came with the uncomfortable cold. But he was inside his warm room, which was heated by a fireplace he made. It was really cold when he first moved in, decided to make some contraptions to make it a little more homey. Right now though, Cassius wasn't thinking about that. Right now, he was thinking about nothing. He was bored out of his own mind.

He hadn't exactly been busy the last few days, and he refused to stray out of Inferni. He was perfectly safe here and he would rather have it stay that way. Even then, he was still getting used to the place. He wasn't used to not having so may wolves around, but at the same time, it was quite pleasurable. He never hated wolves or anything, but some hated him for being a coyote, or at least mostly coyote. Sometimes, it was little things like that that made him not miss home.

He leaned off the windowsill and stood up, ruffling his flannel and adjusting his black shorts. He felt a little hungry and so decided it was time for lunch. He blew out the fire in the fireplace and headed to the manor kitchen. Tossing a few pots and pans around, he settled on making a plain old meat sandwich. He tossed some meat onto the stove-pot, and proceeded to search for some other ingredients to add to his small lunch.

Word Count: 200+


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