It's a snake

Word Count: 483 - SoSuWriMo

childhood repression: an expert at work

Haven left the subject of his past family affairs altogether, and deep inside his mind a little voice cheered happily at this. He was not in a position where he was able to realize the truths about his family. He was not ready, even though he was soon an adult. Conor had realized it a long time ago, that much would be apparent to anyone who studied the two boys, but Emwe had been too skilled at hiding the truth from himself. The truth did not fit into his jigsaw, did not bring him what he needed, and so his mind provided him with the love that he so desperately craved. Alexey was more of a mother to him than his own mother was, in reality, but in his mind Firefly was still the most loving mother that had ever existed, an idealized version of the real Firefly, who used her sons to taunt her former lover. Similarly, Lysander was more of a father to him than Haku had ever been, even if the husky had only spent time with Emwe for a short amount of time. Yet still his ideal father kept the face of Haku Soul, and not some husky who had merely cared for him. No, it was good that Haven stopped talking, because Emwe might very well have been in need of a wholly different kind of savior had the conversation continued.

His tail wagged as Haven agreed with him. He felt really smart now! That didn't happen that often. For instance, when he got stuck in a tree, once, he felt really stupid. Tokyo laughing at him hadn't helped, but still. And today he had felt stupid too, a little, when Haven had saved him, but Haven was really cool so it was ok. Now he had realized something that maybe not everyone else knew, and that meant that he was pretty clever! When even Haven didn't know the exact answer, it meant it was a pretty hard nut to crack, because Haven was awesome — obviously. Emwe's tail wagged happily behind him as he continued to muse on the subject of how weird snakes were. "Maybe they are immune to every poison in the world - like they are super-creatures or something!" Who knew what kind of advanced world these snakes lived in. Maybe they couldn't die at all! He liked the idea of a hidden world where snakes could do the most extraordinary things. After all, who was to say they couldn't? They already walked without legs, and didn't die from poison. To Emwe, that was just so amazing that they might as well be immune to death altogether. Silevery eyes were large and moved here and there as he considered his thoughts. They were fascinating. "I think they are maybe a lot stronger than us, like, they can't die." It made perfect sense in his mind.


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