Running up that hill
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ooc: Poor Leroy XP

She had expected some sort of reaction from what must have been a pretty painful sting, but when Leroy's clawed hand whipped out lightning quick to strangle the leg of the table she jolted back, fear and surprise evident in the way inverted emerald eyes watched him with nauseating intensity, and her heart leaped up into her throat. For a moment, the silence was so thick that Alaine could have sworn the black and white husky would be able to hear her heartbeat, quick and light as a hummingbird. But he merely avoided her gaze until the intensity of the pain seemed to wear off, before looking away again.

Humming again, softer and more nervously now, Alaine hesitantly set back to tending his wound. In a few moments, his eye would go numb from the poultice, and he wouldn't be able to feel it at all. She was quickly enveloped back into the process of doctoring that the pretty young lady did not notice Leroy's jaw grit, nor the way he seemed urgent to get away from her. At his words, though, her eyes lifted quickly to his ruby red ones again.

" I'm... Sorry. Nobody told me about her before..."

Alaine shrugged offhandedly. In the small amount of time she's been with this pack, the cream beauty had already realized that the previous healer had died. It was not that fact which had piqued her curiosity - more that nobody would talk about the deceased. She'd once overheard the woman's name - Svara? - but that was all, and Alaine was far to sensible to pry.

" Almost done, now - You shouldn't be able to feel pain anymore."

Done dabbing at his eye, the collie-woman straightened and gave Leroy a bit more space to breath. She surveyed her handy-work critically a moment, before nodding with a satisfied grin.

" You will keep all the vision in your eye, but those scars will probably be permanent. I've done what I can to take away the pain - If it gets unbearable, fetch me, and I'll apply more of the poultice."

Her slender, feminine fingers reached passed the handsome male to retrieve the scrap of fabric she'd fashioned into an eye-patch, and offered it to him gingerly. It wasn't necessary, but would probably help the healing process go by quicker.

Speak think walk
Table © Marit <3


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