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wc: 317

When she had first joined the Aniwaya tribe Ember hadn't been sure what it was about whatsoever. All that she had known at that time was that she needed somewhere to stay and that if Tayui had said that this place was okay then that was good enough for her. Ember had stuck close to her friend's side, wanting to stay with the white wolf if she could. That felt like a lifetime ago, that she had joined up. She had been a very different wolf back then, almost opposite of the hard-working warrior and sub-leader that she was now. She glanced toward Hemming when Jefferson mentioned spirits, nodding her head. Yes, they did have spirit-guides here. It seemed so normal to her now that she wasn't sure how to begin explaining it at first. Maybe Hemming could explain it better.

"Well, first of all...come inside. A friend of mine is always welcomed on these lands." She said, gesturing toward the snowy hills beyond. Ember then put a hand up onto Hemming's shoulder so that she could work at the straps on her snowshoes, offering them to her packmate once she got them off. She had been the one to go all the way out here using them...she could go without them for the trip back.

The Danua Ihesdi then started to walk, motioning for the others to follow. After the rest that they'd had her legs and feet were now ready to go again. She felt comfortable with the idea of taking Jefferson wherever he would want to go, that she would have enough energy to do that. "We can show you whatever you'd like to see...we have a small village that some wolves are fixing up, some barns, and the corral with the horses. Hemming, do you want to tell him more about our spirit guides?" She didn't want to monopolize the conversation, after all.

table by mel


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