sulphur and flint.



"Hah! Who told you I wasn't?" The statement confused Cassius a little, but the coyote laughed so he figured it was all in good fun, letting out a weak laugh himself. Cassius himself was a bit of a scardy-cat so to speak and never really was the kind of person to go out and be rambunctious or something. He was also a little "shielded" by his parents, which didn't help in his defense either. he was particularly brave, but was pretty damn smart when it came to the books. Even if he wasn't quite the athletic, he may not need that skill after all. Still, even straying from the mansion was going out of his way.

Much to his surprise, the other Inferni member had someone who was experienced in mechanics like him. a daughter, which made him interested, but did not press on the subject. She, however, even got a car to work. Cassius violet eyes widened with excitement. "Wow! She done got a car to work? All them cars I saw back home had workin' engines, but the outer shells were wrecked. I took apart an engine and put it back together about some year or two ago. I still remember exactly how it went together."

No kidding the place was nuts. It seemed to fit the recurring theme in Inferni, which let Cass know what to expect from the clan and it's lands. He looked over to the pools which his new friend motioned towards. The male's name was Anselm, which he just mentioned, and seemed to have quite the jobs at Inferni. Including "botanist", which had Cassius interested. He'd ask about that later. He chuckled with him at the last little joke, but it wasn't that funny. Still, Cassius spited him since he seemed like a cool guy anyway. "That sounds cool, Anselm. Me, I ain't so interestin'. I haven't done nothin' special"

Word Count: 300+


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