3:10 to Yuma
http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad34 ... s/truc.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:187px; background-position:top center; background-color:#F8BB4D; text-align:justify; font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#AB360D; line-height:15px;padding-bottom:10px;">
@&#&$Snake's footfalls were so hushed during the trip he nearly forgot he had company at all. It didn't immediately occur to him that the yearling may have trained specifically for this purpose, leaving him to postulate about smaller feet, a lower body weight, being closer to the ground to see what he was stepping on, and a million other factors that almost made sense. No matter how careful he was or how comfortable he was in his own skin, the smaller clan members seemed like they would always have one up on him in the stealth department. Anselm could be reasonably quiet when he was trying hard enough--i.e., while hunting--but for the most part he just crashed around, damned if he cared that anyone overheard him.
@&#&$Needless to say, he was more surprised that the younger boy knew what the damn thing was called. "Well, that's no wonder," he remarked. "Bloody thing may as well have thrown itself into our jaws," he clarified, shocked that it would bother to venture so near the two predators. The deer seemingly knew better than to approach canines on the prowl--this animal must've missed the memo. Maybe it was secretly super smart and knew they'd just eaten? That seemed pretty unlikely, and he watched as a pale woman, familiar especially for her size, appeared and drove it back to the other side of the border. Aha; Snake had said it was domesticated--maybe it was so used to the wolves' company that it simply didn't care. The little nip she gave it was hardly consequential, not even enough to draw blood.
@&#&$His dark-tipped ears fell back instinctively as she turned to address them. "You've many more?" he wondered, though any further questions he might have had were cut short as she addressed him. Joule. How long had it been since he'd used that alias? It was certainly back before he got his tattoos--if he recalled correctly, it was before he'd attained any significant status in Inferni. He'd habitually lied about his name in the past when he danced through new territories on a regular basis, figuring if nobody could pin down his identity new packs were more likely to be patient with his trespasses than those of a "repeat offender." The habit had bled over into the time where the wolf packs first established themselves here, having seemed plenty sensible at the time... now he wasn't so sure.
@&#&$"Oh, yeah, Naniko, right?" he replied smoothly, buying himself just the split second of time he needed. "It's been a long time. I don't really go by my middle name any more," he added with a friendly smile and a few wags of his tail. Sure, why not? "Anselm now, for my late father," he concluded with a short dip of his head. It was an entirely plausible story, delivered so flawlessly that nobody other than Snake might take issue with it. Who was going to badger him about his poor old man (who wasn't actually dead, of course)? It wasn't so unusual for a child to be given the name of his father, anyway. "And this is my friend Snake," he added in good time, using the boy as a diversion to detract from his close call.
@&#&$"Just a friendly visit. I take it you folks are well prepared for the winter then, eh?" he asked, figuring here it was best to not dance around the issue. Anselm didn't like to lie too much at once--even for his practised tongue, he grew uneasy after long enough. That she didn't seem awfully perturbed by their presence sort of surprised him; maybe that meant things had settled down completely between their two packs after all.

mall-caps;font-weight:bold;text-align:right; border-top:1px solid #AB360D">SoSuWriMo +622

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