I get my lovin' on the run
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SoSuWriMo 434

As her golden Lykoi eyes took in the sight of all the gray and crumbling buildings Rikka couldn’t help but wonder why the humans had wanted to live in such a monochromatic and somewhat intimidating setting. The buildings spanned higher than the trees and nearly blotted out the sun when it wasn’t in its noontime position. No wonder the reclamation of these lands by nature was moving so slowly, the plants could barely get enough light to survive. Also why they would want to be shoved into the little boxes known as apartments to spend most of their time was beyond her. There was a great, wide, beautiful world out there waiting for them if they had just gone to embrace it. Maybe that was why they had fallen though. They had neglected Mother Earth and workings of the universe had brought the once proud race to their knees for their misdeeds. The humans had done good things, but they had scarred the earth badly. It was better that they were now gone.

Her mind often ran away with her when she got into these circles of thought and her senses to the outside world seemed to shut down. This was why she hadn’t heard the approach of another and hadn’t sensed their presence. The hippie hybrid was so lost in the pools of her mind that she couldn’t be bothered with anything else. She had developed such a habit in the commune though she probably needed to learn to control it a bit better here. After all, two people had told her the city could be a dangerous place and yet here she was standing right out in the open and completely oblivious.

When her ears finally caught the noise of someone clearing their throat she turned her head to looked behind her and found the (rather handsome) form of a wolf behind her. At his query a somewhat devious smile came to her lips and she thought of some ways to respond that were probably not what he would expect. It had been a while since she had seen someone who so immediately caught her eye. Still, she reminded herself that this was not The Haight and so she would be better served to not risk scaring him off. “Mmmm, mostly just wandering around. I do need to find some blankets and such at some point though.” The rest of her body followed her head to finally face him full on. “Is there a name to go with that handsome face of your’s?” she asked flirtatiously, eyes half veiled by her lashes.


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