sulphur and flint.
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@&#&$"Huh, she gave me the impression getting it to start was the hard part," he said, which may have been stupidly obvious. "As for the actual car, I think she just found it in a garage somewhere... so it'd escaped the weather all these years. She said the worst was sucking enough gas out of other cars so that hers had enough to go," he said, not knowing what more he could say on the matter. It was hardly his area of expertise. "That's pretty impressive, though. I've taken a few old human things apart before but that was more for curiosity's sake." The small circuit boards and their cryptic patterns confounded him; mechanical things made a little more sense but he was better at using intact tools than trying to put them back together. The most recent addition to his little collection was an old hand drill and he was quite proud of it. Clearly tools that relied on electricity were useless, but on old farms especially he would find primitive gadgets that remained viable today. It was funny how that worked.
@&#&$"Nonsense," he said, shaking his head as he pawed absently at one of the springs. He compacted mud over the apparent hole, which caused water to seep out from the sides for a few moments before breaking through and resuming its original course. "Y'know, you might be able to help me out with this project I'm supposed to get going. I don't think it's so much mechanics as... general construction, but I don't know of anyone else with a skill set that's even close to what I'll need," he explained. "I'm trying to get a greenhouse going in Inferni. I've got plans for it 'n I know where to get the materials for its construction, but the biggest stumbling block is I'd need a way to keep the plants warm during the winter." The sun's rays simply weren't enough to combat the Canadian winter, greenhouse or no.

@&#&$Although Anselm spent some time around the Mansion for his exercises, he rarely made it past the front gate and seldom did he go inside the actual building. He hadn't been down that way since Cassius joined Inferni, and so he wasn't aware if the coyote was familiar with the location. "It's gonna go behind the old Mansion down in the forest; convenient, really, since there's an old wood stove inside the place. I think I can use that to heat the greenhouse, but it'd need to be hooked up properly for exhaust, and I'll need to figure out how to regulate it... don't want to cook the poor plants, after all." His little debriefing was complete and he offered a small shrug--it was something he'd never expected much help with and he wouldn't be offended if the other male was uninterested. Still, he thought it would be very useful to have someone who knew what they were doing when it came to tools and general engineering. Some parts of the assembly would be too awkward for him to handle by himself, anyway.

mall-caps;font-weight:bold;text-align:right; border-top:1px solid #AB360D">SoSuWriMo +513

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