On the shores of strange lands
The she-wolf looked half amuzed down towards the female and gave a half smile "So it seems." she chuckled brokenly and turned her attention back to the black female, it had been a long time since she owed anyone anything. Being a slave, she was use to it, but being a free woman, she always felt that being told such nonsence would end in a scuffle between her and whoever said such things. However, circumstances being what they were, she would have to behave her roudy self. She gave the petite timber a mischevious wink of her golden eye and fallowed the ebony leader up the bank.

She walked pace for pace with the two, keeping just a hint behind Savinas head, an unimportant thing that she learned as a slave. Never walk ahead of your master, for they are more important than you. However, the circumstances were once again different, this was a leader, not a master, and her dominance was what kept the wolfess in place. She turned her attention to the black one once more "I'm not sure I could offer anymore than what your pack already has, though, I have done lots of scouting in my time. I have also aquired many skills of trade in the art of...well fishing, was first mate on my ship though that doesnt really matter much now. I also know many stories and mythology though I highly doubt that will get me anywhere." She chuckled once more, her throut stinging from the action. "I am always good for hard labor, I do as I am told without much trouble." she smiled half heartedly at the leader.

Laidaria noticed from the corner of her eye that Princess had taken the place proudly beside her leaders side. She kept to herself quietly, unusually for the wolf. Laidaria cocked her head, pehaps the female just didnt have anything to say. A sudden spark of curiosity hit the female."Forgive me if this seems abit out in the open, but would you happen to know where a place called Pheonix Vally lies? A..friend of mine has asked me to deliver a...gift to a wolf that resides there." though boths wolves seemed to be very decent people, Laidaria thought it best to leave Rendall's and Xeris' names under wraps until she knew people better.

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