awkward pause and fatal flaws
XD 340 words


Hemming had to finish his row before he could take a good look at the candy in the bag. As his friend emptied her bag onto the floor, memories of the sweets shop came back to his mind. The air had been so rich and heavy, and whether it was the pile of candy or just his imagination, the air in the den seemed to adopt similar properties. Luckily, it was not so suffocating nor intoxicating, and the male maintained his state of mind. Once finished the couple of stitches he had left on the one needle, he placed his work in his lap and leaned over to inspect the various types of sweets that the two wolves had lugged back from the city. There was a lot of it, and the diversity astounded Hemming. Scary purple stuff, oddly green stuff... Unfortunately (or, fortunately), they hadn't brought any chocolate back. Ember had said it was bad to eat, but it smelled oh-so delicious.


He looked at what Ember chose and reached into his own bag, pulling out a lollipop as well. It was green, which, compared to the neon yellows and the bright reds, seemed a rather innocuous color. The male wondered how the humans got all these funny colors, and pondered if perhaps it was through the use of pigments from living things. They seemed so unnatural, though, entirely removed from the natural order. By now the male had learned that the plastic on the outside of the "edible" stuff was not itself edible, and he pulled off the clear plastic surrounding the green candy, all the while holding it by the paper stick. He was working under the assumption that this was not edible, either.


After a moment of staring at it somewhat warily, Hemming extended his tongue and gave the candy a lick. It was.. not as bad as it could have been. Sweet, sickly so, but tasty. There was a problem, though, and Hemming voiced his dissonance, "How do you suppose one's supposed to eat this?"


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