torn inside

Both Haku and Tokyo are weird. SSWM 789

The way she so pleasantly beamed up at him almost caused his face to melt and turn truly sour. It was odd how much his face could withstand without allowing change to shatter its tranquil calm. Had Haku been an emotional man then Tokyo would have lied under him this very moment with a crush skull with blood gathering on the soft floor. Of course, the chocolate and cream male still could make sense of things and spot opportunities when they rose. Not always, but usually he could. Although he would forever be displeased with the fact that this foolishly named King lived and breathed the air in the same world as Haku, everything was not ruined. Far from it. People had expectations once there was some blood tying him together with something. Haku still knew nothing of his three living children in Aniwaya, for Tayui Aston had dealt with the pregnancy on her own like she was supposed to. If he had known about the result of that little one night stand then he would perhaps have felt some sort of gratefulness for the fact that she had brains enough to stay away and exclude him from their lives. It was only for the best, for Haku was a true failure as a father. It did not interest him the least, but he wanted to attempt to turn Tokyo’s – not his son, into a soldier that could be burned alive when he turned useless. Death awaited them all and he wanted Dahlia’s lives to find meaning before they were extinguished forever. It was the least he could do.

He was pleased to hear her voice agree with his humane suggestion. Oh, had she only known what his intentions really looked like. Would she have seen him as a monster? In fact he was surprised she could look at him and smile without fully faking. He had broken her and forced her into following his will. He had forced her into intercourse; he had raped her and left the scene smirking. He had ruined the lovely – yet pathetic – human dress that she had worn. He had ruined her entire day and did something that most creatures saw as the worst deed that could possibly be done and she could still smile at him naturally. Tokyo Chance was a very odd creature and it caused a part of him to actually like her. She was as fake as anything – her story was clear evidence of that, but he liked that. He too was a monster hidden behind a less monstrous mask. Those who truly knew him were dead. Not even Lillith Stormbringer knew fully what he was capable of – or so was the newly crowned Rosen’s belief. Lillith was losing favour quickly with the dark secui, because Cercelee had not been seen since the day he had stolen Dahlia de Mai away from her. His mind back reeled to come back to the present; Tokyo smiling so lovely at him. His lips curled upwards in a warm smile, although it was not true felt. He would never again get to feel such warmth. All thanks to the dark taint and the ruin it left behind.

Haku even took a slow and careful step towards the woman and stretched his neck out to nuzzle her incredibly soft fur. Oh, yes, Tokyo was an awful mother that had killed her own without hesitation. How could he not adore such a heartless act? She was beautiful on the outside – though so ugly on the inside. Haku did not see this as something ugly. He saw beauty in chaos and dark souls. He liked the woman better than he liked the majority of Dahlia’s members. She was ignorant and stupid, but he knew she had a dark core. He turned away from her and picked up the three dead bodies with more care than he thought them worthy of and carried them off. A few hundred feet away from her home he let them drop into the snow and turned immediately to retrieve the last, still breathing girl. As he again drew up to the woman, he lowered his muzzle to give the newly born male a soft nuzzle that was rewarded with an irritated squeak. Oh, the male would live. The Rosen would have to follow up on this one – pretend to care for a bit until the child was ready to be fully brainwashed. He then sought out the little girl, the one still breathing in desperation. Poor little thing, fighting for a life she could never have. ”Do you want to say goodbye?” Haku wondered now before it was time to remove the girl’s runt form.

Table credit: Sie(Kaena)

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