the chronic chronicles.
300. I think we need to have a followup! Big Grin
    In his youth, Gabriel had learned of many of these things from former Inferni members and the Russian wolf whom had known his grandfather. Even last year, he had still smoked tobacco occasionally, stopping only when his lungs had begun to show signs of weakness. Since then, he had not picked up the habit. His drug of choice was whiskey’s fire-water, finding the heat and comfortable sleep that came with it less damaging on his body. It was the only thing that quieted nightmares when they came, and the only thing that had silenced his desperate worry after both of his children had vanished.
    A book was opened, and Gabriel craned his neck in order to eye the picture. It was a structure that resembled a small house, but the plants inside suggested it was something further—which, after letting his eyes trail over a few small notes and title, made its purpose clear. Anselm continued speaking, explaining his intention, and Gabriel felt a small rush of excitement. If they had plants at their disposal, specifically those whose singular purpose was medicine, they would be prepared for anything. Salt-water had served as a healing tool for only so many things, and Gabriel knew that it would be best to have further aid at their disposal.
    “I like it,” he said approvingly, tail wagging once behind him. “If you can get what we need I’ll help you set it up.” That was a promise, one that he wanted to keep. Anselm was always full of wonderful ideas, and this was one that Gabriel was intending to use both for the clan and his own knowledge—if Anselm knew more about plants, Gabriel wanted to learn from him. It did them no good if they were a bunch of thickheaded ignorant warriors.

table by alli


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