How to make stuff die
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Though there was no real way for him to tell what it was that drove Halo to move so swiftly and act with vigour, there was little to deny that there was a power behind the force she used to break the crude snowmen in two. But it seemed that he had come in on the tail end of her act because she was winding down, motions slowing and an internal calm seemingly washed over the action. That was when she noticed him, but this time her noticing him was much the opposite of their first meeting. He saw nothing in her sanguine gaze that made him otherwise defer and turn away. This time, he didn’t feel the need to squirm underneath it. Instead, a faint smile crossed his face momentarily, fuelled by her sincerity.

“I’m okay,” he answered, stepping away from his viewpoint to close out the distance between them. “I guess you’re feeling better too, from the looks of things.” Their last meeting was etched well in his recollection, though however brief it may have been, and the fact that she had felt ill then had not been forgotten. But whatever it had been, it must have passed. Just like the wounds he had when he had first been led to Inferni by Kaena, she had recovered, and he had recovered. Even if he still couldn’t quite piece together the how’s and why’s to where he was in relation to where he had been, it was no longer a concern to him.


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