It's the bough we break to blow away

SSWM - 616
wow look at that new title... lol xD

Mati was not like her adoptive mother, and did not forgive and she forgave. It was hard to hold all of the faith and hope she so often talked about. It was almost impossible, and Mati didn’t know how she did it. At times she figured it was only a show, that the leader was simply being strong for those around her, or that she was looking at the brighter side for the pack. But the earth bound woman just saw the bright side when no one else could and noticed the good even with the mountain of bad that shadowed it. It felt good to forgive Ehno, even if it was simply in her head and reasons and need to gain forgiveness was all her own accord. She felt a small connection with the Lt General, where ever she might be, and thought that perhaps she was beginning to see the good beyond the bad. In their silent filled walk, Mati was unsure how to feel about his children, though now that the question was asked and the topic in plain sight she felt less upset. She felt like that forgiveness was honest and true, and not just a show to fool herself into thinking she was some soft of 'bigger person'.

As hard for her as it was to ask, Ehno was just as surprised that she had. The Church woman had not hoped to shock him with her interest, and had secretly hoped that he was eager for her to bring up the topic. She had thought that he might himself, though if he had when he had first come across her Mati didn’t know how she would have reacted. He spoke hesitantly, obviously taken aback and told of their wellbeing. Perhaps if they hadn’t been, Mati would have heard word of it. Though she had not spoken to any from the pack in which they lived and so news would be rare. She wondered how often he made the journey to see them. At this point they likey needed their mother more then anything, but raising pups took a pack no matter the age. She wouldn’t want to miss out on anything if she ever had her own.

They managed to enter the Mansion, and it held it usual quiet tone once the door was closed behind them. She nodded her thanks for his polite manner and listened as he commented about their energy and the size of the litter. Four; it was a large and healthy size. Mati did not force the thought of Naniko into her mind. It willed the one time mother figure away and so she let the image of the dam slip away. tragically she didn’t see them at first as siblings, but as Ehno’s puppies. The distance and severed relationship she held with her mother had broken the tie, and Mati did not hold the kin connection, as she should. It was not in a malicious way, but only a reaction to her last memories of Naniko.
“Of course they are.” She commented, with a smile.

She headed down the hall towards her room, the pile of boards in hand. The sunflower painting hung on the nail she had placed there the day she had moved in and fumbled with the door knob.
“I am excited for Ghita and Jaz’s litter. When they’re up and around.” She commented with a small smile, making her into the sunroom. The wide windows gave plenty of light, almost no matter the sort of day. She put the boards on a chair, looking around while adding,
“I’m the Nanny around now, so there’s no chance they’ll get away from me.”


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