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indent The bird had settled on the low branch of a tree, something that was due in part to the fact it had slept there the night before. It was a wild turkey, still waking from the daze of a cold nights slumber. Birds—that is, non-predatory birds—are stupid by nature. It did not sense the predator nearby, though this was due in part to the fact Ahren’s distance from the tree was several yards. The weapon he had hoisted was silent and foreign since the fall of man. His eyes remained focused, unblinking. The bird lifted its head and rose to descend to earth. An ounce of pressure sent the arrow shooting through the air, the crossbow’s string barely making a twang in the silent morning.
indent Like a stone the turkey tumbled to earth, landing in a heap of feathers and bone. Ahren slung the crossbow over his shoulder, pulled the rifle strap and felt it settle against his back. He grabbed the bird by the feet, lifting it with one hand and judging the weight. It would keep him full for the day, despite the work he’d have to do to clean it. A faint noise caused the blonde’s ears to swivel, and his head followed motion. It was still dark enough that he could not make out the stranger, and he remained still, silent. If someone was there, they’d expose themselves eventually.


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