Fill me with your rage
[html]<style type="text/css">#ásmundrdec29 b {color:#4b525d; font-weight:bold;} #ásmundrdec29 {margin:auto; width:455px; padding:10px; padding-bottom:150px; border:1px solid #fff; background:url( ... enshot.png) bottom no-repeat #8d9297; font:12px georgia; color:#bec0c3; line-height:12px; text-align:justify;}</style>
SSWM 565

The lack of hostility from the female was not expected when the young female stepped out and revealed herself. This was not right – did she not know that the leader of Inferni had declared war? They should be trembling in fear, because the killers and rapists would come and kill them all for what their leader had done. The hybrid tried to focus. All this had been put in motion because of what Haku had done to Kaena. The clan meeting had gnawed away at her psyche more than she would ever admit. Samael was still running free without consequences for what he had done. It was unfair! And worst of all, now some bastard wolf was walking about humming the lullaby from her early childhood. Everything could be explained. Gabriel had told her that she had kin in Dahlia de Mai, so there could of course be elements that she recognized. Haku and Halo had the same mother. Perhaps this too was a family member that she did not know of. What bothered her was the complete lack of hostility. This was not how she portrayed wolves and this was not how she wanted to start portraying them. They were cold blooded murderers and rapists just like Haku. Just like Samael.

Ruby eyes were dry still as an answer she did not want to hear rose from the tranquil woman. Their mother’s lullaby it was. The Lykoi woman stared at the silky white fur with actual jealousy gathering in her heart. She loved her Lykois, but she had been betrayed by one in her coyote family. It hurt so much and she had no one to defend herself. She truly needed someone to lean on to, but she had none. Wouldn’t Haku have defended her if he knew that she was his sister? Just like Gabriel went to war for Kaena, Haku would go to war for his half-sister. Eyelashes shivered as these foolish thoughts went through her. She was broken, and seeing Samael by the Aquila’s side had hurt more than anything she had imagined. It felt like she was back from the start when Samael had just taken what he wanted. Her uncle had looked at her and he had known. He was the only one who knew what had happened to her and he was a rapist and a bastard. Halo’s heart raced away and no calm could ever find her. Could this be a family member?

Her face felt heated, but her body felt so cold. So cold, so cold. A sniff suddenly sounded and the copper coated woman quickly let a pair of fingers brush the fur under her right eye in an effort to hide the salty tear that had already found strength enough to start to travel down her face. Damn. It was not fair that she had to wander this earth alone. ”It was my mother’s tune as well. She looked like you.” she could hear her own voice tremble as she spoke these words. Unsure of where she was going with this she could not relax. It was the enemy that was standing in front of her. Just like Samael had violated her so could every other family member. How could she ever learn to trust again? Who was her family? Who would ever rise up and fight for Halo?

Table credit : Chelsie(Ásmundr)[/html]

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