octane twisted - leader needed
Hybrid rolled his eyes as Silas stood up, making a show out of it. The hybrid took his time pulling himself to his feet, and then the first thing out of his mouth was both a complaint. Of course he had been trespassing. Well, he had certainly been close enough for Hybrid to call it trespassing. The Massacre boy certainly hoped that the wolves around here would get the idea that simply waltzing around near the border was not acceptable behaviour, as it never had been. Hybrid curled his lip in distaste as the foreigner repeated his lie. Hybrid cringed as a slight whine made its way into the other canine's voice, annoyed he was still here listening to this drivel.

Hybrid grinned in reply to Kaena's statement, glad he was not the only one to find this wolf's presence unacceptable. Not only was he an eyesore, but a lying coward to boot. However, when Kaena offered the wolf the possibility to join, Hybrid was appalled. Hybrid seethed, struggling to find a way to voice his anger. How could she even think to allow this creature into Inferni, especially after Hybrid had so eloquently informed her of his crimes? Hybrid sputtered for a moment, then clenched his jaw shut. He eyed Kaena warily, trying to determine her motive for suggesting such a task.

Quite suddenly, Hybrid broke out into a wide grin. He whipped his head over to where the foreign hybrid was now standing -- albeit, somewhat shakily -- and allowing his grin to widen. This thing would never be able to take anything of a wolf's, be it a tail, a leg, or an eye. There was no chance this coward would ever be able to join Inferni.

"Hah! This simpering coward wouldn't even know where to start," he added, staring plainly at Silas. "Which means I'll never have to see you again," he added, feeling a little cheerier at the thought.

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