Your land, My land, Our land

Word Count: 375

In Character

There had been no preemptive strike against them, no mass attack as there had been the previous year. This did not mean it would not come; Gabriel did not doubt that Haku would amass his followers soon. They’d come after Inferni again and try and strike at their weakest point—attack their women, and the only child the clan had under its wing. Mason was close to being an adult, but he was still a child in Gabriel’s eyes. It would destroy him if Mason and any of their females were found in the same state as the proclamation from last year. He would not let that happen, and made a point to stalk the borders almost obbessively. Though he had many other eyes, as made apparent by the tracks in the snow (Anselm’s mostly, but the hooves of Cotl’s horse as well), it was soothing for the amber-eyed Aquila to make his rounds and be doubly sure that no part of the borders was left unprotected, left unseen. Inferni would be safe, and prepared.

A familiar scent came rushing towards him, and Gabriel’s ears swiveled forward, looking for a source. Not five minutes later did he find it—though this was not Cotl, as he expected, the man looked remarkably similar to him (tattoos and all) and their scents were nearly identical. No doubt they were close, or related, and likely, his mother had been the one to accept the boy. It helped settle Gabriel’s mind a little, knowing that their numbers were growing. More so, growing with adult males that would give them the strength they needed in times like these. Approaching downwind, Gabriel let out a short bark to announce his presence, and quickened his approach in order to come to the hybrid’s side. Though in lupus form, as always, Gabriel’s body language spoke his authority well enough—he felt nothing peculiar about having to look up to the much taller Optime.

“I didn’t catch your name before,” he said, rather then an unnecessary greeting. He recalled seeing the stranger staying next to Cotl, and now found their eyes were the same peculiar colors. They had to be related; Gabriel figured that this would be made apparent when the boy explained himself.

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