Shaking the chains
The ebony lady was settling into the lands once again, she had seen her family, her son, little Naniko, her former lover, and her first love's son. Life was getting back to normal somewhat, although she was still worried that her youngest children were out in the world all alone, even if they were the product of a brutal rape, they were still her pups and she had hardly been any kind of mother to them, and now she had had the opportunity to make it right had been snatched from her. And so she walked, long legs moving her through the lands slowly, her ebony fur ruffling in the breeze, her bag bumping against her as she swayed her hips as she walked.

Then her jade eyes fell upon something that was out of place, she stopped, just standing there, her eyes wide in disbelief... it couldn't be... Long fingers moved to pinch at her arm, and yet she was still there, standing within sight, as perfect as the day the dark fae had met her. The mirage didn't shimmer or fade as the lady moved closer, unlike it had done before, the drunken hallucinations normally dissapeared when the obsidian fae had lunged for them. But she was not drunk, and this vision seemed, so real... but it couldn't be, surely?
"Summer?" Soran asked, voice tinged with disbelief. [/html]

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