In search of materials
Ty didn't say much besides the occasional "Ah." or "Uh huh." to Dawali's instructions. Most of his focus was kept on the movements and motions Dawali made while making the arrow, he knew mimicking those motions at least he could make a decent effort. He didn't want to miss a step, of course, now that Dawali was showing him, it didn't look too hard. There wasn't a lot of steps to making an arrow, you just needed a sharp rock and a stick, and Ty could only assume one needed feathers as well, like most arrows he saw did, though he didn't quite know why. Perhaps it was just ascetic, or to fly straight, Ty really didn't know, but he hoped he'd find out. He kind of hoped he took a

When asked to try, Ty grinned and said 'Sure, I'll give it a shot!" as he took the untied arrow from Dawali. Looking at the rock, the stick, and the string, Ty suddenly got the jitters. Why? Perhaps it was just trying something for the first time, but it wasn't horrible, and Ty could still concentrate. Grabbing the stick, Ty brought the rock on top of the stick and tried to hold them together while placing the string around it. unfortunately he did not have the dexterity in his hands as Dawali did and dropped the arrowhead, causing him to get slightly embarrassed. He chuckled nervously as he reached down and picked up the rock and tried again making sure the rock was secure this time. Tying the string around the rock and the stick, Ty did it slow so he did not screw up. Of course, he did not tie the string tight enough to keep it together and the arrow fell apart in his hands. He now was getting slightly frustrated, but he thought to himself 'hey, third time's a charm'. So, with a bit of focus, he lashed the rope around again, this time tightening it with each turn of the string, making sure it doesn't fall apart. The arrow this time came out good, the rock was tightly fastened to the stick, which made Ty smile in contentment and say "hey, is this right?"

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