can't catch hell for dreaming
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423 SSWM
/not be scared

Strelein looked at his hands and spread out his fingers to try to maximize the surface area. It seemed entirely possible to paddle out and back safely with just their hands. Shrugging, the redhead looked out at the ocean, hoping it wasn't too cold out there. "We can give it a try. Even if we can't paddle back in, the tide will probably bring us in by tomorrow," he grinned, chuckling. Truthfully, he really did not want to be stuck out on the ocean in a small boat with Hemming through the night. It was not an insult to the other male, quite the opposite really. Strelein did not want to bother the newer friend of his so soon in the relationship. He'd get so sick of the redhead's whining early in the morning that there would be no question of ever seeing the other again. That or they would both be stupidly cranky from the lack of sleep; there just did not seem to be any good way to fall asleep with two people in that craft.

Shaking his head, the bright male mentally hit himself for his inward stupidity. Of course they would never spend the night in the thing on the sea. They would just fall out of the thing and swim their way to shore with the vessel in tow behind him. Cold it would be, but they would be able to get home before the night came upon them. Chances were that they would be back on the sandy beach within the hour or two, long enough for them to dry before the cold began to descend on the territory let alone before the darkness came. "We should be fine. We'll just swim worst case scenario, so no worries, Hemming." Strelein kept his hands on the edge of the boat until he himself was satisfied it was in deep enough water to push off from. Of course he was not completely sure what would be enough, having never really been in a boat. Wow, he just felt like such a recluse thinking that.

"Let's try it out." He lifted a leg off the sandy rocky mix beneath his paws to shake it in the clear water. Then he shook it above the water before lightly resting it inside the boat. Strel was going to hold the boat in place before Hemming got in so they would not idle, struggling to push off from inside the vessel. "Get in and I'll push," he clarified, grinning at the AniWaya male.

Sexy table by Requiem

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