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Maybe it was her brother. Maybe he had woken up to find that she was gone and had come looking for her. Every time they lost track of one another he always came to find her. She tried to convince herself that was what was happening, repeating it over and over in her head as she plastered herself up against the tree. She could hear the steps, though faint and not rushed, they pounded like drums in her ears. Nox knew right then that it wasn't her brother. He would've called out to her, let her know that it was alright and that he was there for her now. All she could do was hold tighter to the base of the tree and hope that whatever it was wouldn't notice her and would go away.

Unfortunately, a voice came suddenly, and the girl froze stiff as a board, eyes shut so tight that she thought they might get stuck like that forever. "I..I.." She stuttered in a soft, frightened voice, forcing herself closer to the tree to the point that the bark scratched at her flesh. Nox breathed sharply, holding in the breath for a short moment before expelling it in a shaky fashion into the air. "N-n-no." She finally managed, just as soft as before. Her stutter was always much worse in moments of high stress.


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