The second plague

Perhaps just fade to black or something then! :o SSWM 505

Few understood what was eating away on Dahlia’s Lilium. He had come with the first war and Cercelee had done her first mistake as a leader and promoted him to deal with the blood shed that he had started singlehandedly. Most thought the reason why he had gone to war was because his sister had lost his litter because of a coyote, though it was unsure if this was correct or not. He had not always been as he was today. The change was coming very slowly though it left no room for any return of the man he once had been. It was like time itself; ticking away and there was no slowing down or hesitation. He just had to move along, move along until he was no more. In a sense he was the walking dead – something that had been hollowed out and reborn, though the dark force steering his body was sharp and twisted beyond even Haku’s imagining. He thought he was in control and though he followed his own impulses, but truth be told Haku had been guided through life by a creature that had been born to create destruction behind in its path. Haku knew not the freedom of an untainted mind. The voice had spoken to him and blinded him as a child. He knew nothing else but this existence and this was also why he had such troubles understanding why the creatures in this world always were blind.

She spoke odd words and he understood that she believed that she had already been touched by death. For a moment he let silence settle in-between them and he looked at her with blue orbs empty of emotion. He knew not what she was. If she believed herself to be a walking dead then perhaps she was right. There were many forms of consistent life walking the surface of this earth and Haku walked around with his own god complex. Lolita was not the only one with issues here and so he was in no position to judge her, though he would think of her and wonder. Her body was not dead nor did the thing called soul seem to have been extinguished. Perhaps she had died and come back, it did not really matter. In the end she would only be a tool that he would attempt to use to create some additional bloodshed. Her words were true though, and nothing could happen to those who could not die. He lowered his muzzle and dug into the flesh of the cold animal. It tasted of death and soil, but there was nutrition in it and he was not fond of wasting a perfectly good meal unless he had to. Whether or not the woman was interested in a part of the meal would be up to her, but Haku ate what he wanted. He discovered that the heart was already missing from the dead body and wondered if this was something the massacred corpses had in common.


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