Winter song
OOC: Table © Sace; You keep ninja-ing me with this thread. Sorry for the wait <3 also, slight pp just so they could get the song done. Also, whenever you would like to end this, I'm fine with it.

Yep, D-major. And there are a total of 13 chords, both of which have a minor and major variation. So there's a D-minor chord, too, a sad version of this one. She verified for the male. She also spoke of a D-minor, and that there were 13 chords in all. 13 didn't seem to be too much for him to handle, though he figured she would only teach him about half of the chords, just so he could practice those and then come back to her to learn more. He nodded his head to her, showing her that he did understand what she was talking about. Well I suppose half the fun is to sing along when playing the guitar. Here, I'll teach you a simple lullaby I found in a children's book. It's in another language, I don't know which. Here, let me show you slowly, and you can see if you see the pattern. she then went on to speak, and she took the guitar back from him (which he gladly let her have back since she was the owner of it in the first place.) And he simply watched and listened to her. His eyes were on her fingers, observing the different strums of the guitar, and listening to their sound. He seemingly blocked out her singing, for they were in a language that he did not understand. He didn't try to decipher, so he simply blocked it out until she had stopped. His eyes then rose to her as she began to speak to him.

A-minor, D-minor, G-major, E-Major. That's all you need to know to sing this one. Wanna try? she went through each chord slowly as she had said the names of the chords and then she handed him the guitar again. He took it within his hand, and started off to where she had put her fingers for the A-minor. Before he could strike the chord though, she spoke again, asking him if he wanted her to sing. He smiled and nodded his head. I don't know the words. Even if I did, I doubt I'd be able to pronounce them right.. So you should sing, yes. he spoke before he started to count down within his head. He kept the beat by lightly tapping on the guitar's hollow body before positioning his hands on the guitar, and mimicking her own melody she had done before his eyes. The male did have a photographic memory, so once he had seen her make this melody, he had no problem remembering each chord she had struck. He had mimicked the song flawlessly, going through it several times before he had finished off the song, her voice ringing out with the melody, beautiful in his eyes. The golden male held a bright smile on his maw, and his tail wagged gently.

That was good, right?



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