the room's on fire, she's fixing her hair
Slight PP, poke me if it's not okay. SoSuWriMo 322

        If his lips hadn’t been otherwise occupied a satisfied smirk would have come to them as his assumption about touching her there had been proved right. She had liked it. Always careful, his fingers applied pressure and squeezed what they had already grasped. It was strange, for whatever reason he had thought that the alcohol would have somehow heightened such sensations but he was learning now that that wasn’t the case at all. Right now he was feeling in much more detail than he had that first night. Haven found himself wishing that their first time (as it had been both their first times) they hadn’t been drunk like they were. Though if they hadn’t been it likely wouldn’t have happened at all. This might not even be happening now. With the heat coursing through his body he couldn’t possibly wish that this wasn’t happening, and so he dismissed this thought. It was in the past anyway, and couldn’t be changed. What mattered most was what was happening here and now.

        Her fingers sent shockwaves through his skin and as her fingers reached and grabbed his posterior a low, satisfied growl rumbled in his chest. He wanted her to touch him more, and he wanted to touch her more. As insubstantial as it was, her dress needed to come off. Now. Haven pulled away from their kiss and his hands quickly pulled the fabric over her head and tossed it to the side. Jades glinted down at her hungrily and he lowered himself down so their lips met once again, his tongue tracing her’s. One hand rested momentarily on her flat stomach but then teasingly his fingers trailed down to between her legs. Like the first time he could feel the heat radiating from her and it only served to fuel his arousal more. His hand rested on her mound as one finger slowly slipped between her folds and gently caressed her.


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