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alatino Linotype;font-size:12px;line-height:13px;color:#000000;">Mine too! I only spit a bigger one out every once in a while.

     The scent of the food had reached Silas before he made it to the door, but it wasn’t until now that he had identified it. Rabbit, for sure. Though he was no stranger to the meat, it did take on a new scent as it was being cooked. Either way, the smell was still tantalizingly delicious. This guy, whoever he was, was clad in clothing just as Silas was. He couldn’t be sure, but the Russian had a feeling they were relics of the human world, such as Silas’ vest was. This guy wore more than Silas did and the boy found himself liking how it looked on the other’s frame. Perhaps he’d have to make another trip back into the city and see what else he could find.

     Instantly, the guy replied to Silas, friendly as ever, which put a casual smile on the boy’s face. "You ‘ave enough for another?" Silas had never had cooked rabbit meat before, but it sure did smell good. And hey, if this guy was offering, why not? Silas moved into the kitchen, looking around as he made his way closer to where Cassius was cooking the food. "Eet smells delicious." He studied the strange goggles on Cassius’ head for a moment, wondering what they were for, before looking down at the meat that was sizzling away in the pan. "Ya, I ‘ave been ‘ere for a little bit now. Uhh, a couple veeks maybe? I don’t know zhe other people ‘ere yet. Vell, not many of zhem."


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