Bouncing Here and There and Everywhere

Hybrid frowned, wondering why the yellow wolf was still there. He still could not hear the conversation, but since the wolf had found him, there was no reason to continue "hiding". In fact, since he was doing a pretty poor job of it, there was no real reason to remain where he was. Hybrid did not think he would undermine Mason’s authority, either, if he emerged from the bushes. If anything, Mason still looked a little stiff and uncertain. Hybrid wondered if this was his first time banishing a wolf from the clan lands. The more he thought about it, the more reasonable it sounded.

With that in mind, Hybrid set out to meet up with Mason. He stood up quickly, shaking the leaves and debris from his fur. He trotted over to where the two canines, approaching so he could stand behind Mason. He caught the end of Mason’s words, frowning when he realized Mason was not being nearly forceful enough with his demands.

“Is there a problem here, Mason?” he asked, frowning as he sized up the wolf. His eyes were quickly drawn to the intruding canines stick, adorned with a skull and some feathers. He cocked his head, wondered why the creature was carrying a stick around, if not to place a wolf skull on it. As far as Hybrid knew, that was the only purpose for having a stick, if at all.

As he evaluated the male wolf, he realized the creature had many pieces of metal stuck in his ears. Hybrid wondered if the wolf had had some sort of accident, where his ears were punctured by falling metal. How curious. Hybrid wondered if the metal was heavy, or if it would hurt if he ripped it out. Perhaps he could direct Mason toward pulling the strange metal out of the wolf’s ears. That would certainly teach him a lesson.

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