Help me out, said the eagle to the dove
Word Count: 593 - SoSuWriMo

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

Dawali smiled, and as he started walking Cambria followed happily. For a moment Dawali remembered Brennt. What if Dawali had not been an honest, trustworthy person? What if this Cambria followed anyone who said they would help her this easily? He thought of when Noir and Océane had been injured, how it had stung in his own heart as he had put ointments on their wounds and wiped away their tears. It had been his fault, for not killing the damned beast at first chance. He had virtually allowed the monster to wander freely, and because Noir was so trusting he had hurt them. Cambria seemed to trust in Dawali as easily as Noir had, and the chief could not help but worry. Of course he was glad that Cambria trusted him, because he knew in his heart that he was trustworthy, but if he had been a monster such as Brennt... there would be no telling what trouble Cambria could get into. But this was not his own child, and he had no right to lecture her. He would just have to pray and hope that she would never cross the path of a sick-minded person.

Her interest in his field was unexpected; everyone seemed to enjoy having a medic around, but few wanted to become one. He turned his head to look at her, and smiled with his eyes and mouth as he replied with what he believed to be the truth. "Well... A healer has learned a lot about herbs and plants, and about the body, too. Like how to make sure the blood stays inside someone if they are bleeding, or how to mend a broken leg." He had been lucky as a young wolf, to learn from the masters of the tribe. Now, in AniWaya, he was the only one with medic skills on his level, and yet he wasn't even a master. It was strange, how the future altered everything and by the time it became your present you had become a different person from a different world. "Then we know about how to make medicine from the plants, and we learn all the signs that someone is ill, or something else - it could be positive. For instance, I can tell when a female is going to have a litter almost before she knows it herself!" He smiled at her. Most of the situations a medic would handle were about suffering of some kind, but not always. "It isn't that hard, because when you really want to help someone you will try with everything you have, you know? But sometimes it's hard when you can't really help, like with the dove. I want to help it, but we can only wait and see. That is the hard part of being a healer." He paused, and his mind flew for a second to Mischka. Golden eyes followed the ground as they moved forward. He had never felt as helpless as when he realized he could do nothing for his mortally ill mate. It certainly was the hardest part to look at someone you cared about and wanted to help, and tell them that you were lost, and they could not rely on you to save them. It had taken a long time before he had been able to face himself and his motherless daughters after that. Shaking the thoughts away, he looked back at Cambria. "But if you really want to help others, you have the most important part of being a healer already - motivation."


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