A simple request
Word Count: 477 - SoSuWriMo

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

A sound came at the door, and Dawali held the blanket around him tightly for a moment, and lifted his gaze from the bag he had been mending to search the air for sounds and scents that might reveal who the visitor was. Of course, only moments after the knock there rang a voice, and he smiled as he realized it was Hanna. She was one of the friendly faces that he felt had contributed to the growth of AniWaya during the last six months. He was glad that she had brought them a healthy pup, and though she had taken in the traveller Revian without asking him first he knew she had done so with good intent. She seemed intent on helping, perhaps a medic at heart. He knew she had skills in that path, and he had always thought of her as an available helping hand should they suddenly need more than one healer. Getting up, he held the blanket around him as he took few long steps towards his door. It was cold inside, and after having caught a blanket on fire not long ago he didn't dare light his hearth inside anymore, so he just kept a blanket in there to soothe his cold body and stiff joints. He did take walks if he got too cold — he knew the importance of not falling to the frost. His voice called out in response to her request as he made his way to the door, quite happy and cheerful. He always appreciated visitors. "Come on in Hanna, hang on — let me get the door..." The simple door was locked from the inside with an easy contraption he knew from his youth, when his father the carpenter had tried to teach him such skills. Few inventions had stuck to Dawali's mind, but this was one of them. It granted safety, after all, which could never be valued enough. Nimble fingers (if cold) quickly released the bolt which kept everything together, and his hand grabbed one branch of the door and pulled it inwards, opening it. Colder air from outside quickly rushed in; his body temperature had slowly heated the air inside somewhat, despite the cracks in his door. Moving his free hand as if to ask Hanna to come in, he spoke with a smile, his voice friendly but with a hint of urgency. "Come in, come in.. It's warmer in here!" At least it would be warmer in there, if Hanna would enter quickly so all the heat would not escape. Dawali turned and stepped inside to the main room of the cottage, trusting Hanna able to close the door after herself. Sitting down at one side of his table, he had found another "chair" for his guest on the other side of it. His self-made chairs were a little unstable, but they worked.


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