Sing songs of friendship

OOC: Sorry for the wait <3

Emerald eyes were steadfast, where the milky blue of the other woman's were not. She was blushing, and Alaine, too, felt the warmth of embarrassment creep up her cheeks. She stood still, struck by nerves and surprise, wary of the strange but beautiful lady who stood before her. Finally, the other spoke, and her voice was soft and smooth and apologetic. Alaine shook her head hastily to make light of the apology, but upon realizing that the action was really quite useless considering the silvery feo could not see her, blushed deeper.

Her tongue seemed to be caught in her throat, and there was another uncertain moment before the strange lady spoke again. Floppy ocher ears lifted to the sound of her voice, and the too-young mother immediately stored away the features and tune of this 'Ruri Aceline' to memory. Pushed by her strict upbringing, it was manners that finally forced words from between the dream lady's lips.

" Good morn' to you, Lady Aceline..." She paused, unsure of whether that was an appropriate greeting for one of such high rank, before continuing hastily, " I am Alaine Winters, new to this pack; I wish to be a healer of some sort. A-and I thank you, lady, but your melody far sweetens my tune."

Alaine's voice was accented, marking her to be a foreigner in these lands. It was musical and gentle, the anxious twist cautiously hidden under a respectful tone. Her hands fumbled nervously, two white doves clasping and unclasping at her waist. This collie-woman was the highest ranked member of her new pack that Alaine had met, and she wanted very much to make a good impression. She felt awkward and clumsy underneath the gaze of those unseeing blue eyes, and fidgeted restlessly, not able to meet the blind woman's off-putting gaze. She'd never met such a being before... Having said that, though, there was something distinctly familiar about the woman, something recognizable in her grace.

Speak think walk


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