the room's on fire, she's fixing her hair
SoSuWriMo 333

        Any guilt or embarrassment he had felt for letting himself get so worked up had vanished like dew in the afternoon. It was true that he didn’t want every encounter of theirs to happen this way (though at the moment he couldn’t really say why) but they both wanted this and they were both enjoying it so why feel guilty? It would be one thing if she had gotten upset. If that had happened he would have felt absolutely awful. He didn’t know if he had expected her to be really upset, but he certainly hadn’t expected this. For whatever reason in his mind she had only been so willing their first time because she had been intoxicated. Haven saw now that that was a double standard and at least in the case of Princess, wholly untrue. Why was it men were the only ones who had desires? Now that he thought of it that way it was a very silly assumption indeed.

        She was so beautiful. It was the only thought running through his mind. That, and he was so lucky to have found someone like her. Many women, he thought, would probably not have been as forgiving about the circumstances that they had found themselves in. The fact that Princess had been made all the difference in the world. He had felt bad enough about it and if she had as well, if he had hurt her, he wouldn’t have been able to forgive himself. Her reactions to his touch chimed in his ears like bells and his lips kissed down her jaw to her neck. As her hand moved towards his front his body tensed with anticipation. Ever since this had started that area had been screaming for attention and now it seemed it was coming. When her fingers teased his length his breath caught in his throat and his hips couldn’t help but press into the touch. Haven’s fingers rubbed against her with more fervor, quickly losing his control.


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