there's no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn

Omfg no Sie is a lame and her character is a lame as well. PS Get on AIM sometime I wanna discuss this fool here with you. :| Word Count: 405

In Character

There was less then a minute or two that passed before the scent before him became much more fresh then he had expected it to be. The reason for this became abundantly clear in the next few seconds; the brush ahead became disturbed, and the sound of snow compacting told Kai everything he needed to know. The man whose garish scent was so prominent on the borders was close, and he was approaching now. Though Kai did not like to think of himself as a boy (man, no, man) who feared, he felt doubt rise quickly and settle in his chest.

A hulking brute, more monster then wolf, broke the tree line then. Kai could not hide his reaction—pale blue eyes, only a few shades lighter then the man’s before him, widened. He was staring at a beast of muscle and sinew, made up of earth tones and scarred flesh. A wolf that’s mass, though it did not belong to him in his lupus body, was as dominating and impressive as the scent that radiated from his body. The yellowed fangs that were flashed was all the warning that Kai needed; his body dropped low to the earth and his tail curled protectively between his legs. Those pale eyes, which had been insatiably drawn to the very apparent alpha, now stared into the snow and mud before him. It was the voice that made his ears, low against his skull, rise and swivel to follow the noise. It sounded as if the very forest was speaking, with all the authority and mastery of a man who knew his purpose in the world, and whom had made very sure to find it.

Even now, knowing nothing about the man before him, Kai realized he had found a figure that would undoubtedly be the answer to his own place in the world. “I came seeking a home,” he answered shortly, tenor voice soft and respectful. Despite the scars along his haunches and the resentment in his heart, Kai had not matured enough for his voice to drop much lower then it had. It was a contamination of youth, something that made him feel weak and worthless. Still, he wanted to prove himself—and now, more importantly, he wanted to prove himself to the man before him. A man he had just met, but now saw as someone who could offer him everything he had ever wanted.

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