You Gotta Fight For Your Right To PARTY
OOC: hi there!

Almost right after Sophia called out into the barn, some rustling immediately came from some leftover hey in the yard, a small black figure darted out from the hay, causing the old yellowish strands to fall off the blurring creature in a long trail as th creature tackled into Sophia with astounding speed. Of course, now that they were face to face, Sophia could now probably see that it was none other than her brother and fellow pup, Aro Marino. He had hid in the barn when Sophia came in, thinking it was a bigger unknown wolf. However, seeing it was Sophia, the always rambunctious and energetic young lad couldn't help himself but to tackle his sister and surprise her, as was usually the nature of puppies. Although already, even at a young age, Aro was standing out more as a very outgoing and adventurous type. He had even woke up early today so as to go around and adventure, unlike his sister being more considerate for their parent's feelings, Aro had little to no regaurd for the such, thinking more about adventure and less about his own well-being. He was actually aiming to go out of the boarders, but found this barn and got much more curious about it then his current goal, so he had been in here all day playing in the hay.

"Hey sis!" Aro said in a energetic voice after he tackled her, pulling away from her and then circling around her excitedly, his tail going a mile a minute. After jumping around a bit, he shook off a bitmore hay before asking "What'cha doin' out here? Actually, never mind, I don't care, come'ere and play in the hay with me!" He said as he scooped some up and threw it over her head, allowing it to rain down on her. He was being a typical brother to Sophia at this point, playful, overjoyed, and a bit of a jerk all at the same time, but he didn't mean to hurt her feelings even if he did so, he was just playing with her, that's all he really wanted to do right now. Though being a bit of a roughhouser wasn't always good in terms of playing nice.

words: 373

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