The power of imagination
The Night Prince had stepped into the Weaver's web, and now he walked the lifeline of the traveler, who was to be his opponent. His victim. He smiled silkily, and stepped in through the fog. The mist darkened, tainted black by his inky cloak which blotted out its light and soaked the dream in night. He approached the hunter, and the light shown out from his eyes brightly as the full moon, and despite the black, that cold luminance highlighted both figures. Lips peeled back from his jet black teeth, and his eyes...his inverted eyes, whose black irises were surrounded by sclera and pupil that glowed lambent white through the thin film of the eye...looked coyly to the boy whose lifeline the Weaver had chosen.

"Welcome, traveler. Tonight you will face me." He cast off his cloak, and once he did, the true moon could be seen in the sky, and the stars twinkled out from their places in the sky. His black cloak shuffled away like something alive, and his laugh was musical, almost friendly, except for the snake-like quality it possessed...he was in no way sincere...everything of his being was cloaked by shadow, to be seen only under the phantasmal lights of night. He smoothly fell to all four limbs, and his joints adjusted soundlessly. He had taken secui form, an obsidian giant of greater girth than his foe-wolf. His hooked claws traced quietly across the field as he did so, even as the field slowly became frozen, as if his tread alone brought on winter cold. He released a howl, an ethereal, wraith-like sound which no wolf still living could possess, and the earth beneath the two of them began to shift and slide. As if bobbing up from the depths, great icebergs erupted from the earth in spumes of black mud and clods of frozen grass. The air grew frigid, but here the cold could hurt neither of them.

"You will confront the Night Prince, Ty Trenton Nasphrite. Today you will know your death by my blackest fangs."" His eerie smile would have been entirely invisible if not for the moonlight pouring from his eyes and the reflection of the growing snow beneath their feet...his black teeth would have been unseen in the dark. The two monstrous eyes focused on the youth, and then the spirit set off, head low and jaws apart.

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