you'll be the prince and i'll be the princess
Ooc: Zana gets to be a delivery service! DaVi shows up after the next post, umm.. feel free to play them getting to the old castle in your post if you’d like. and yes, it's ireland...

How the war had been won in such a short amount of time was beyond her, but even though DaVinci had claimed his rightful place as the Ri of the clans there was still a lot of work for the warriors. Zana found herself away from the great hall often as she was sent to flush out those who had been too fearful of the Ri’s wrath to come forward when the war was lost. In the past moon the nights had grown cold and quite a few of the old clan members who’d sided with the usurper had decided that they’d had enough forging and hiding and had come back into the arms of the clan, a little disgraced but whole none the less. Why she was out tonight she really didn’t know except that rumors of the last remaining strays and deserters were lingering close. She hadn’t believed the rumors but when she’d come upon the woods and seen the small flickering of a fire a grime smile had settled upon her maw.

Aisleran once more had accompanied her, along with a few of the warriors who’d come across seas to retreave the king. They trusted her and she them but what her shadow friend had to offer when he come back from scouting caused her to shake her head and ask if he was sure. The knowledge of a stranger, a female alone out in the countryside this far south made her wonder. Few of the wild folk traveled this far and they made certain they were not seen, this one didn’t seem to belong. Instead of give the men instructions Zana moved forward with Aisleran shadowing as always behind her as she slowly crept to the edge of the campsite.

She couldn’t really tell who it was that she’d found but when the winds kicked up the powdering of snow she sighed and stepped out into the flickering firelight as she spoke up. ”You’d better have a good reason for being on these lands lad-“ her words were caught in her throat as she realized that Aisleran and a few others had appeared as well. She realized that if she didn’t say something soon that she was going to make it rather odd for the woman who lay before them.

Clearing her throat Zana couldn’t help but scuff as she just stared at her old clan mate, wondering just how in the hell the woman had made it this far and just what was going to happen next. ”Ryan…” She said breathlessly, a soft chuckle following as she turned to catch Aisleran’s eye as she smirked. ”Romeo’s fair Juliet has denounced her clan it seems..”, she said in the tongue of her brother’s clan, her eyes shimmering with excitement as she just shook her head a moment while Aisleran delivered the message over to the rest of their scouting party.

The men had known of the two star-crossed lovers and how it had ended, rumbles of amusement seemed to echo about the fireplace as she watched Ryan, wondering what the woman was going to make of DaVinci’s change in the world. ”I think we’d better take you to see the Ri.. you two have probably got a lot to talk about..” she said in the language shared between Ryan and herself before leaving the men with her own commands, telling them that once they found themselves at the castle to make themselves scarce and not breathe a word of what they’d found in the woodlands to another, not anytime soon at least.

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