And she's gone

wc: 405


Addi knew that he liked making things with his hands, as he had spoken of making things out of the whale bones back when they had first found them, but she wasn’t sure how it would look or how good it would turn out. Or what it would be, even. A fence, shelves...She was amazed when she stepped into the cave behind him. The white of the bones sharply contrasted everything else in the room, bringing attention to them. How had he managed to get them to stick into the walls? Plugs on the back of them that stuck into drilled holes in the wall? That was probably how she would have done it. Wanting to get a closer look the brown female moved closer, examining them. She ran her hand along the long bone, nodding her head in approval. It would look better if he had carved a design into the, and turned back to him to tell him so. "I think it could use a few designs..I have some tools back home that I can bring by sometime if you don’t have them. Some little chisels and knives." They were what she used to carve designs on her little beads.

Once she was finished with looking at the shelves she glanced around the rest of his den, looking at all of his little knick-knacks and things. He had been telling the truth about not having much room in here…but she didn’t mind. While she was healing she probably would have, though. When she slept she slept sprawled out as it was, and to be injured at the same time..well, there wouldn’t have been anywhere he could have hidden from her if he had smacked into one of her injuries while she was rolling around in bed. "I like them a lot. They spruce the place up, ya know? And you’re right, this place ain’t got too much room for someone trying to heal. I guess I forgive you." She leaned into him a little bit, pressing up against his side. "I meant to thank you for everything you did...but I got a little distracted. I brought you something." She pulled back a bit to dig a hand down into her pocket, bringing out the necklace to hand to him. ”I guess a necklace ain’t the most manly-ist of things…but the dudes here put feathers in their hair. I hope the necklace is ok.”

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