The power of imagination
Ty whirled on his heel to face the ethereal being, one he heard the utteral growling that was his opponent's voice. The foe stood in front of him, standing at least a few inches taller, and the fact his teeth were as black as his fur wasn't exactly the most comforting look either. However, the wolf's bizarre appearance made this situation all the more confusing. Hearing the challenge from the wolf, he seemed unfazed by the threat of battle against the darkened creature. " least I know I'm not dead..." he sighed and shrugged as the dark creature began to surround him. Who was this guy though? Why did he want to fight in the middle of nowhere? Why was he out here in the first place? This just got more and more confusing as time went on.

What made it worse for Ty was hearing the beast's wretched howl, one that peicered even his ears with the shrill yet booming and guttural howl into the sky, removing the fog enough to reveal the moon. Along with that, after the how the grass around began to magically become covered in snow, the chill suddenly spiking in his feet ass he stumbled about to keep his balance in the shifting of the rocks below the two of them. When he saw the icebergs rise up from the ground, he was pretty convinced it was the other wolf that his foe was magic, although the fact he could shift between forms seamlessly was a pretty big sign. Of course, his foe was now in secui farm, making him a very large four legged form, now Ty felt somewhat intimidated. Sarcastically, he muttered to himself "Okay, magically shapeshifter, who is not only my size, he can seamlessly shift between forms and change our surroundings on a whim...yeah, I can do this."

He heard out the mystery wolf's introduction, and slightly chuckled at the dramatic speech of his enemy, even referring to himself in third person was sort of silly. "Night Prince? That's your name? Did your parents run out of original name's for you? Or when you got the magic powers did you give yourself a title like some canine super villain? Because if that's what you picked, you couldn't have been more cliche!" He gave a quick chuckle at the jokes before he noticed that the 'Night Prince' was charging at him with his blackened fangs gleaming in the moonlight. Now that Ty was gaining his confidence as a fighter, he began to be more jesting during fights, not outright insulting or dishonorable, just occasionally witty. However, now was a time to react, the night wolf was charging right at him aimed for his throat. However, the heavy creature would have a hard time stopping, so what could Ty do? At the last second he leaped out of the way, contorting his body into a roll as to remain on his feet after the wolf nearly clipped his legs. He could see now that the Night Prince was definitely going for the kill, so Ty would have to return in suit. He waited for the Night Prince to make another pass at him, intending to counter it differently this time rather than just dodge it.

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