all the world is waiting for the sun

To hear his voice was hearing angels sing. He spoke words that she knew well and had not heard in so long. Her native tongue had not been used much in her absence. His second statement scared her which made her cling even more but he managed to get away. Her golden eyes watched him as she dropped her hand from the wall and just stood there. Maria hoped he would not disappear from her as he fell into the darkness of the building. She heard movement inside and remained outside, standing and bringing her hands to the top of her muzzle and pushing back tears into her fur.

The girl looked up at him as he brought out a chair and it took her a moment to follow his order. She just wanted to hold her boy again, like a baby he used to be, but she knew she could not. She finally sat down, her thin fingers gripping the chair as she did so. Before she spoke, her hand reached up to touch his soft fur. Not wanting to let his touch disappear from her own in case he were somehow an illusion, she left it there. "Sono spiacente. Sono così spiacente, il mio bambino," was all she could manage to say.


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