we have more than the rivers that run our land
I could swear I had replied to this! Lol :33 <3 I guess not! And naww! It keeps me inspired, making tables :]] wc: 617

She was no longer haunted by the ghosts of her past, not jumpy or as easily startled as she might have been when she was on drugs. She was glad that she had managed to quit doing them, proud, even. She had done it mostly herself, with a bit of help from Ehno and Urma and Kaena. It was odd...she never would have thought that she of all wolves would have found a friend in a coyote. But there was something about the scarred woman that attracted her like a moth to a candle. She would find out later down the road if their relationship would damage her, though. She hoped not. Not only was Kaena kind and thoughtful, she was beautiful. Whenever they were together the brightly colored wolf could hardly stand to take her eyes off of her. The coyote had such intelligence behind that one eye--she practically shone. She understood the world and its ways, and Naniko was lucky enough to get taken along for the ride. But it had been what felt like ages since she had been with anyone (Ehno being the last)...perhaps it wasn't her heart or brain that she was thinking with at all times. Naniko appreciated beauty in its many forms, not caring what gender a creature was or whether they were a wolf, coyote, or a bit of both. She wanted someone to need her again, and wanted to need them back.

When she realized who it was her stance immediately dropped, tail waving frantically back and forth. She had hoped to see Urma again, and was glad that her friend had chosen to make the trip over to Phoenix Valley to visit her. She didn't think that Urma had forgotten about her, no, but wasn't sure when she would get to see her again. If she had been in her lupus form she would have been wriggling like a little puppy...but instead she settled for closing the space between them with a few bounding leaps, throwing her arms around the other white wolf without hesitation. She had never seen Urma in this form and it surprised her...but she liked it! Urma had such a bright and lovely personality--it really showed through when she was in her Optime form. It was an all-new sort of body language to look at. "I'm glad you and Ehno have been talking--and that you could find me! I hadn't heard from you in a while, and hadn't even thought to ask him the last time he was here. The children are doing well. Sleeping right now, but I do want you to meet them. Rio is out running around, I believe, but the other three are here."

They were getting to that age already. She released Urma from her embrace to turn toward the two sleeping on the step, calling out to them. "Harlowe, Caprica. Wake up, dearies! Come and meet Momma's friend." The dozy Harlowe was the first to rise, his thin body lowering down to the ground in a stretch. Then the dark, round Caprica woke up, shaking her fur out a bit as she followed her brother toward the two adults. Their size difference was amazing (if she hadn't known them she might have thought Harlowe was from a later litter), really, when they stood side by side. Harlowe had his developmental issues...and Caprica gained weight like nothing else. They were each very unique. The third pup, Lucia, who was the same light and dark brown colors as Harlowe, came out from the house and down the step. "Who is you?" The little pup asked curiously as she approached, plopping her bottom down alongside her siblings.


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