Stay away from me

SSWM - 305

He gazed into nothing. The air. Ear fell to their proper place, against his head, the moment he heard her moving. Minos didn’t wish to look, but he did. Yellow eyes glanced over to see that she had moved closer, and yet she did not approach him. He did not enjoy the energy that flowed from her, it confused him. The alpha was easier to read, and Minos wished the father of the pack would appear, show him how to behave inform of the small wolf would did not act as a puppy should. Memories of other pups didn’t come to his mind, but Mino knew how a pup should be. It confused him, made his uneasy and thus slightly defensive.

Lips pulled back, though his body did not moved away. She would chase if he ran. A growl was emitted from his throat, weary and cautious. Nothing about the dark coated female made sense to him, as any other wolf would have chosen to either show they were above or below him. Though, there was nothing lower then Minos. The growl was long and low, and spoke nothing of aggression or threatening to attack. It was simply a warning. To show, if his flattened ears or the wild wide eyed gaze he gave did not, that he was uneasy and weary.

it was as if she gave him nothing. No words, no noise, hardly and scent, and oddly no true body language to read. Of course, she sat in a way that made the omega wish he was in some other place. But there was hardly an energy that flowed a purpose that she walked with. It was easy to feel how another felt when they approached, calm, or irritated, and then the rare frightened. He could smell no fear and feel no dominance.


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