one by one
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look at how well they're getting along xD
SSWM - 525

     All four of them had more in common then they even knew. Deep down they seemed to all be the same. Lost and wishing for parents that they would never have. Longing to connect with someone without judgment or abandonment. The four were a particular bunch, and it was odd that they had even found each other and all connected the way that they did. And now one had been lost to the tragedies of their parent’s down falls. Mati hoped Ares the best, where ever he might be. It was unfair for him to keep all these things from her, but it would be worse if she hated him for it., scorned the day she had met him or even pretend that he had not been sweet and kind to her. He had been. He had been open with his feelings, even if not all of them. The evening after the pack’s gathering they had spoken and shared just the surface of the emotions that they held for one another, and Mati would be a fool to think that he had lied to her about that. It had all seemed so genuine.

Eyes drifted slowly to the other young woman’s face, taking the story that started to bring true light to the lie surrounding Ares’ name. It was their mother; dam the bitch for being this way. At least her father was merely absent and all they needed to deal with was the memory of his horrible deeds. Instead the Chance siblings were left with a dam that would not leave them alone and caused more problems then she was certainly worth. Mati did not hold back the surprise she felt as Princess spoke Ares birth name. It was simply (though it the situation as a whole was far form simple) an insult. The mother had begun to insult him from the very beginning, and then she hated him until she chased him away from those he cared for. The Church female remembered when she had called him that name, but she had only thought that she had been insulting him. No wonder he had never told her.

Now he was gone, and no one knew where he was. Mati looked away again, speaking softly as she stared at the wall with her head resting against her room’s door. “I can understand why he didn’t want to tell me.” it wasn’t a huge lie anymore, and Mati forgave the male, where ever he might be. “I wish he had told me who she was. I didn’t want anything like this to happen.” The brown wolfess looked at the fellow Dreamer, she wasn’t sure what else to say or how to comfort the sister that had just lost her brother. “I…” Mati fumbled, “Maybe she threatened him, and he had to leave with out telling anyone.” She whiling made excused for him, though her anger nor her sadness were diminished completely. “The pack would have protected him.” And on the next breath she crushed the very excuse she had made. They would have, she would have protected him from any beast that wished him harm.

    By Erin<33


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