Somethin' filled up my heart with nothin'

     SoSuWriMo 481

     It was funny to know that, on this certain subject; her knowledge was on the same level as her son’s. This fact did not embarrass the woman in the least however. Being ignorant of certain things had never been anything that had bothered her; it only presented new opportunities and new things to learn. If not being knowledgeable about everything was something that bothered her than she might have never left Monti Sabini. She might have not snuck onto that boat and ended up here. When she arrived here she might not have felt comfortable being thrust into a way of life that was so very foreign to her. For all the hardships she had faced in these new lands, she could never regret coming here. Savina had made so many friends, she had met the love of her life, been reunited with her siblings, and she had been blessed with Gotham, Amata, and Cambria. She had learned and gained so much from coming to Nova Scotia that it had truly become home.

     She also had noted the distinct problems that would come from a dragon being the one to replant the flowers in the spring. Such creatures were larger than life and even at night it would be nearly impossible for them to roam around and not be seen by anything. It wasn’t a problem for Kalseru, Tirta, and Lumi being they lived in the ocean and flew in the skies with the cover of the clouds. She guessed that maybe it could work in the ground, but something so large rumbling beneath the earth would surely be noticed. Still, her mind was stuck on mythical beasts and so creatures that were more normal didn’t even come to her. When Gotham suggested moles her ears perked and it made a lot of sense. They were small, lived in the ground and could store things such as seeds. “A mole, that’s a great idea Gotham! I bet they all work together to bring the flowers back in spring.” Of course the moles would have help by some of the other animals, such as her friend Anu.

     The thought of taking her children and mate to see the lands she had grown up in had crossed her mind many times. Savina loved Italy and wanted nothing more than to share it with her loved ones that had never had the chance to see it. Still, there were many complications. A ship journey could be very dangerous, as she well knew. Plus that would mean leaving everything she had here behind, if even for a few months. She didn’t feel a need to be a leader, but Crimson Dreams had become important to her and leaving it all behind was not something she could consider lightly. Perhaps sometime, in the future, but for now she was content to stay exactly where she was.


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