A new world for a new day
A small pup emerged from the brush behind her. He was tiny and black, he reminded Laidaria of her days as a pup. She smiled half-heartedly and softened her gaze, she could tell from his scent he was a pup of the pack, though she wondered what on earth he was doing out this early. His curiosity made her smile even more, he didnt even check if she was a friendly, that would get him into trouble one day. She relaxed as he drew near and tried to seem alittle more..well more, she chuckled lightly as he began the questions.

Her gaze lowered slightly, good gravy he was as bad as Princess when it came to the questions. She patiently waited until he stopped for the moment. "Hello, Aro..." her musical voice a calming and friendly tone, she had no intention of hurting the tiny pup, rather she enjoyed his light, curious company. "My name is Laidaria, you may call me Aria if you like, yes I am new here, I was coming up here to watch the sunrise. Though a pup of your age might have more to say as to why your out here so early."

She wondered where his parents were and if he had any siblings as well, but she kept her mind quiet as she waited patiently for the young boy's answer.

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