when darkness turns to light
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indent He stood there for a moment, just merely taking the instant to breath away all of his thoughts, his worries. When he opened his eyes once more, he realized that it had already grown a bit lighter outside, even in that short time. Taking another breath of the salty air, he waded further into the water, watching as it soon came up to his waist. It was definitely cold – after all, it was still too early in the year to be out swimming. Either way, Icarus was determined to test his sea legs. He took a deep breath, before swinging his body forward and jumping into the wave that lapped lazily towards him.

indent The collision of his youthful body and the salty water created an explosion of water that was catapulted into the air. Gasping for another breath of air, Icarus dunked his head below the water and let his body be taken over by the stinging sensation of the cold. When his head broke the surface of the water once more, his chest burned for more air. The brisk temperature of the water was quickly devouring any oxygen he had taken in, as if compressing his lungs. Looking out towards the horizon, he figured that was good enough for today. Sure, he didn’t really do much swimming, but it was too cold to stay out for too long. Icarus was all too familiar with the dangers of hypothermia.

indent He turned back and waded towards the shore. The water slowly began to recede, falling from his chest and down to his waist. He kept his blue gaze down at the shimmering water below, but his intuition told him to look up. When he did, he paused, for an unfamiliar creature was standing close by to the rocks where Icarus has settled his jeans.


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