a guilty mind needs to confess
http://sleepyglow.net/souls/gifts/rikka_table.jpg); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:330px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px;">
SoSuWriMo 279

   Rikka could never truly understand everything Gabriel had went through. It was if the brother and sister lived in two completely different worlds. She did know that he had seen terrible things though, things that would probably break her. He had survived that though, and for that she respected him. From everything she had heard he was a wonderful leader and did his best to keep the clan orderly and intact. From what she could see of him now it seemed all those things were true. It was probably impossible for them to ever establish the kind of bond that some siblings had, but she hoped that they could maybe have a fraction of that. Just a fraction of understanding and respect for one another. She didn’t think that was too much to hope for.

   Her yellow Lykoi eyes watched him as he inspected the instrument. Rikka couldn’t claim to be all that skilled with it, but it brought her joy and to her that was all that really mattered. He appeared to appreciate it and then handed it back to her. Him handing her his sketchbook was not something she would have ever expected. The hybrid took it reverently and gingerly flipped through the art and pieces of her brother’s past that it held. She was highly impressed with his skill. “Gabriel, these are so good. You’ve seen so much.” When she came to a drawing of a woman and two children she paused, her head tilting. “Who are they?” For him to have drawn them they must have meant something to him. If they were important people in his life she wanted to know who they were.


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