The power of imagination
ooc: I see, that makes sense for a guy like do know you posted it twice right? Probably a glitch of the computer I bet XD

Ty was actually expecting his foe to take defensive stances to avoid or block his strikes, not simply lash back blow for blow. He was confused, that was a fairly rookie move, unless the wolf thought he his wounds would be more grvious. IN response, Ty did his best to make the scratches the Night Prince had made as minimal damage as possible, but one of his opponent's strikes did land, a light slice against his cheek, which now began to drip blood down into his mouth, unfortunate, but probably the best he could hope for. The spear actually did more then he had expected as well, instead of just crippling the opponent and makign him keel over slightly as the wind got knocked out of his stomach, he actually was able to knock the opponent off his feet to the ground, with him on top, giving him the advantage here.

But apparently he was playing right into the Night Prince's hands, who just wanted to get close enough to bite him. Ty felt the large hands of the wolf wrap around his shoulders and begin to pull him in, attempting to get him close enough for a bite on the neck. The claws on the Night Prince's hands now digging into the soft tissues, Ty could now feel the warm red liquid dribbling down his shoulders and chest, and some landing on his foes face and torso. This was not a good position for either of them, but at least Ty now had propped his hands on his foes shoulders to keep him from making the fatal bites he oh-so wanted. The Night Prince was strong though, Ty couldn't keep up this forever, he had to think of a way to get out of it.

The Night Prince certainly knew what it took to kill a wolf, but one such as Ty would not die this way, even if he had to cripple his opponent, he would. The fact that the Night Prince needed both hands to pull Ty in gave Ty the distinct advantage here, in such a way that he could surprise his foe. Taking his left arm, he suddenly let go of the Night Prince's shoulder and drew his forearm across the black fur of his neck, still keeping Ty far enough from the Night Prince to avoid being bitten, while simultaneously choking him, which would eventually force him to let go.

But this was only half of it, Ty now had a free hand, which put him at even more at an advantage in this position, but he wasn't in a good position to deal a killing blow, it would be too hard to dig into his chest and his neck was now covered by Ty's forearm, but Ty had a different plan. Taking his right hand, he contorted it so his thumb made a very lethal point, claw pointing at the Night Prince's face. With all the strength he had in his right arm he drove that thumb right into the very eye of the Night Prince, if it met it's mark it would deal enough damage to let Ty go, and also deal a blow that would be most remembered, the Night Prince would have to let go of Ty and stop his arm, or come to terms with losing an eye, if he was even quick enough to stop him.

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