A new world for a new day

"Laid-..You're name is Laid...Laid..." Aro began to make attempts to say the full name of the wolf, but not possessing a full vocabulary yet, he just ended up stumbling over the name pronunciation over and over again until Laidaria told him he could call her Aria. "Okay then Aria! I'll do just that!" He said with another wag of his stubby tail, to which he suddenly got distracted and chased it for half a second before returning to the conversation. When she explained that she was here to see the sunrise and began prodding to see why he was out so early, he could only reply honestly, as he didn't quite figure out how to lie yet. "I don't seep that much, but I went out this early so that mamma and pappa wouldn't catch me going so far from the den! I wanted to explore, but they keep tellin me it's unsafe, so I went before they woke up!" He smiled then, proud of what he had done, not really thinking it could get him in trouble now. He then thought about the sunrise, something he had never really seen before, he was always asleep when it was dark, or awake when it was light, but he never knew how that happened, he'd never seen the orbs switch places.

Of course, with the explanation out, it left him asking a few more questions. "Sunrise huh? How does that work? Do the moon and the sun switch place?" He asked her as he went to her side. "Where do the sun or moon go when their job is done? Do they go to sleep when they're done? He asked her as his body bounced on his heels as he waited for the sun, impatiently waiting for any kind of change. "How long does it take? Are we going to wait here a while?" His tail had not stopped wagging since he'd seen the other wolf, meeting her would be the high point of his day, but right now he just wanted to see the sun rise, as children aren't known for patience either.
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