And If I Only Could

SSWM - 560

It was right to place this truth on the shoulders of someone she didn’t know. Anu found that she couldn’t look the Dahlian in the eye, and her face fell to the ground as if she examined the path her paws fell upon. She focused on the snow, watching her foot paws sink into the soft white. It felt foolish and immature to have blurted out such a thing and now to be unable to face it. Colibri passed over her mind’s eye, and Anu was caught by the beauty of it as she was each and every time she thought of her. The Dreamer felt weak, succumbing to the sadness that she had closed away in hopes of seeming strong. She had felt this way when speaking with Haven, lost in her on emotions and troubled by the path her life had taken. Alexey needed none of this, her own life could not be any more stable with Haku as one of her leaders. Anu often thought of the alpha that ran their family and let Haku destroy one beast’s life after another. They were either blind, or just as evil as the monster himself.

At the female’s voice Anu forced herself to look to her face. Her own words were lost and the cinnamon hued wolfess spoke her apologies and her gratefulness. Anu was thankful as well, but she could not forgive herself for laying this onto the back of her newfound companion. It troubled her, and played on her face. Blue eyes stole a deep set glance at the other, seeing that her words brought on more then just sorrow. The Crimson wolf slowed her saw steps, shamed herself for making this the topic that they discussed. Alexey spoke of Haku, mentioning that his brain was not working as it should. Anu felt it deeper then that. The brain commanded only so much. The heart and souls filled those empty spaced the brain did not touch. There they commanded the morals, the love and the passions one possessed. Haku held none of that, beside the passion. It was a black yearning that smelt only blood and understood nothing more then hatred and causing pain.

“Touched by something evil.” Anu responded, looking away once more and continuing at her normal pace. There was hatred in her tone, and for Anu hate was reserved for very few. Forgiveness came easily for the silver tinted wolfess but there were few that she could not find any hope for. But this was Alexey’s life, her pack and her family.
“I’m sorry.” She said softly, knowing that she was at fault for bring these feelings forth.
“I don’t mean to…” She trailed in search of the proper thing to say.
“I am sorry for making you uncomfortable. Its not right for me to say those things, it makes it seem like I think his pack mates are just as horrible.” There were so many that she knew that were not as Haku was, he gave those that lived among him a horrible reputation.

A hand rested on the woman’s arm, feeling the need to express that she believed them to be more then decent beings so greatly that she pleaded that the woman listen.
“I have befriended many Dahlians.” Anu explained. She knew many, and had even fallen in love with one.


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